Are you using a free MLM lead gen website for list building?

Free MLM lead

Free MLM lead

To find a free MLM lead capture page platform that gives network marketers a limitless list of prospects, so when you do you jump at it

If there is one thing that every network marketer is talking about, that is lead generation. You may be great at selling your MLM company’s products, but recruiting motivated leaders is another issue. Unfortunately, our family and friends do not always make the grade and so our businesses suffer from the very start.

If you have been in a MLM business for a while or you are completely new to the industry you need to understand from the very start. Network marketing leads are the life force of your business. So, any way that you can get a free MLM lead is going to be a bonus. However, more than that you need a continuous flow of highly-targeted and motivated leads. Once you have a regular flow of leads into your business you will be on the right track towards success and a passive income.

The type of people you are looking for are highly qualified and motivated network marketers who have a track record. This is easier said than done. Furthermore, where do we find such individuals? It could be argued that you may find them on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn or even on Twitter. Alternatively, you may do some advertising or create some content that attracts network marketing professionals.

However, what if I told you that there is a platform that allows you to reach out to MLM pros for free. In addition, the platform allows you to create high ranking content, share your business opportunity and advertise to a large MLM community all for free. Would you be interested? If so click on the button below or read more.

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What are MLM or network marketing leads?

As you are reading this article you may see yourself. This should not be an issue, because anybody who has joined an MLM business has been through the same journey. The main thing you should get from this article is how do I learn to become a better network marketer?

When you joined your first MLM business you were told by your enroller to write a list of people who may be interested in buying your products or joining your business. This is the normal tactic of the traditional network marketing leader. They were told the same thing and if they were lucky enough to have a social circle that were interested in MLM they believe that this method works. Arguably, for them it did work and so they have no reason to search for another way.

Unfortunately, it will not work for everyone. The cringe factor that we feel when we are asked to call everyone on our list only becomes worse when we get an angry reply. I personally had over 200 names on my list and finally made a few one off orders. In addition, it created a lot of tension in my family and spoiled relationships with a lot of my friends.

The next suggestion you have got is to buy MLM leads. This method has its benefits however, it can be very costly and not all MLM leads purchased this way are any better than generating leads yourself.

Free lead capture page

But what is a free MLM lead?

A free MLM lead is someone you contact or attract by using other methods. Such as sharing information about your company or products online. You may be asking them to join your business or purchase your products. It is vital that you understand from the start how the lead generation system works. This method is not unique to MLM, any sales business such as real estate works the same way.

A key factor in lead generation is understanding your niche. In addition, the amount of customers and sales are done every year. A big issue is that 90-95% of people joining a network marketing business have no effective way of building a warm leads list. Reaching out to a few friends. Then pestering someone who said they might be interested is not going to be enough. At this point there is a high dropout rate when people lose interest and fear more rejection from others.

Sharing your business opportunity with leads

The main role of a network marketer is to present your business and products to as many prospects as possible. So, learn all about your MLM company and products and confidently present it to your leads. This can be done face to face, by creating content or by doing a webinar or podcast. If your presentation is done well people will join your business and buy your products. 

How many leads should I contact each day?

Most of the successful network marketers are reaching out to new leads everyday. They have skin like a crocodile and they speak to everyone they meet. If they are in the local store, travelling or collecting a package from the post office. They will find a reason to break the ice and start a conversation about their business or products. They see rejection as an occupational hazard. So, even if you work online or offline you will need to build relationships and sometimes rejection will be a part of it.

Is network marketing really that great?

This is a very personal and subjective experience, because network marketing is not for everyone. However, the main benefit for me was that I could be the master of my own destiny, travel, live and work wherever and whenever I want and earn far more than I would in my previous job. Also, I was able to choose the hour I chose and I decided not to work much.

In my opinion, there is a type that says to themselves that they want to be a home based entrepreneur. Often there is a trigger that makes us react and decide that becoming self employed has become a real option. This may include unemployment, an unstable income source or even an illness of a partner or family member. Whatever the reason, it can become a strong influence and motivation towards your future success.

Lead gen website

MLM success begins with a free MLM lead builder

The talk of creating a passive income is an exciting prospect. However, this begins when you realise that you need to build a team of distributors as fast as possible. There is a direct correlation between how many new distributors you recruit and how fast your business grows. This is when the dilemma starts for those who have taken the advice of the upline and reached out to the social circle.

Where can you get more leads when your social circle has been exhausted?

Finding new leads is going to be a challenge. You could return to your list and contact everyone again and lose any spark of respect you still have by getting rejected again. Or you can look for an alternative method where you can reach out to qualified and like-minded people on mass. Using a place where people are looking for your business opportunity and want to make money is the Nirvana in the free MLM lead generation world.

Get Free MLM Leads

How to use a lead gen website to build your network marketing business?

The best and most effective method to get FREE MLM leads is to be sharing your business on a daily basis. You need to get in front of people that are looking for what you are offering. So, having a place where you can share your business with fresh and targeted prospects is going to accelerate your business fast.

One of the tried and tested methods is by creating a free lead capture page or blog that shares your ideas and generates leads. This means that people can visit your site 24 / 7 while you are doing stuff you love to do. Your webpage or blog can cover subjects such as working from home, becoming a network marketer and even lead generation in network marketing. The topics that can be discussed are limitless and with that in mind, creating niche content would be a better option than the ones I have just suggested. The secret is to find a niche subject that breaks through the white noise of the information overload of the internet. In addition, your content should be educational, informative and entertaining as well as optimized for the major search engines.

For the more experienced marketer with some knowledge of the internet. Blogging or web design creating their own product is an option. The product can be business related such as a free eBook. Offering a free or even paid product that may help someone build their business is a great way to build your list fast with very targeted prospects. For an example of this method click on the button below.

eBook Download

Using social media as a free lead gen website

The use of social media platforms as a free lead capture page has its positive and negative aspects. Of course there is a great resource of free MLM business opportunity leads. However, Facebook as an example are quite anti MLM and often close or suspend accounts. This can be very upsetting to new network marketers. Also, most of your personal Facebook friends have likely listened to your pitch about your business and products before so there is no advantage there. If you want to use social media platforms for your MLM business try LinkedIn or Twitter and avoid spamming. 

How to get a free MLM lead list today?

The easiest way to get a FREE network marketing leads list in the next 5 minute is to use MLM Gateway.


The best MLM lists are ones that can get at any time and consistently. They should also be like-minded people who do not need to be presented with the basic concept of network marketing. This allows you to work on the important aspects such as building a relation with the prospect.

Even though there are lots of interesting and beneficial ways of generating free MLM leads one of the top options is using MLM Gateway.

MLM Gateway is a free lead gen website that offers network marketers an easy way of reaching out to like-minded and building relationships. If a MLM Gateway leads accepts your request you will get access to the email and phone number. At that point you can arrange a meet up either in person or online via Zoom or Facebook live. This is an important bit, unless you share your details with others on the platform they cannot spam you. Any contact will take place within the MLM Gateway messaging system.

Free Sign Up Page


Success in network marketing means using 90% of your time recruiting and sponsoring new people into your business. To do so you must use an MLM leads website that will help you generate network marketing leads. Once you have the leads the next stage is to convert them into business partners and customers. 

The uniqueness of MLM Gateway is that you have found a tool that connects you with people who have experience in MLM. There are of course lots of members happy with their existing business. However, most are looking to start a second or even third stream business as well as looking for someone new.

One aspect that is empowering is the ability to target members. Not just in the type of product they want but also where they live globally. This allows you to either build your business locally or as your company branches out globally.

MLM Gateway is the only platform that gives you a constant flow of FREE MLM leads online from anywhere in the world.

For more information about the power of using a FREE MLM lead gen website like MLM Gateway, click on the “Learn More” button below.

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