Work online from home and get paid to sell our products

Work online from home and get paid

Work online from home and get paid

Don’t believe what they say that all the top work from home jobs are taking, because I work online from home and get paid.

My name is Steve Jackson and I earn from selling our products online. I am not going to tell you that it is easy, because you need to work to become successful. The beauty of this type of business is that it can be done in your own time. In addition, at your own pace without the stress of a boss shouting that the deadline is tomorrow.

I started my career in online marketing when I truly began to hate everything. At the same time, I was doing it in my nine to five existence. I just couldn’t take anymore of the daily ticking of the clock and waiting for the day to end, because I really felt that I could not go on anymore. In the end I resigned and found that the world would stop the boredom.

One evening I was clicking on the internet, not really looking for anything. When I read and article where someone was saying they could make money online. Yes, the warning lights did flash and I said to myself, “Rubbish, only those online marketing pros can do that!”

However it did get me thinking.

Video Business Overview

The video is a brief overview of the information on this page regarding how to make money selling our products.

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How do internet marketers work online from home and get paid?

So, you understand where I am coming from, it was some years ago when I read that article. Now, I am an entrepreneur, network marketer, online marketer and podcaster. I love it, because it ticks all the boxes for me and gives me financial freedom and global independence. This was something I have always wanted. This means I can choose where and how I live my life.

As for internet marketing, I realised quite fast that there were many different methods the internet marketer used to make money. I have to admit it was quite overwhelming. The information seemed to contradict each other. In addition, there were individual viewpoints that other online marketers would disagree with regarding the usefulness of the method.

In retrospect, I didn’t need to know the politics of online marketing. I just wanted to know how it all worked and what the hell they were doing that was so fantastic.

Below I have created a list of just a few of the online marketing methods used:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Keyword marketing
  • Blog Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Viral Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Landing page marketing
  • Article Marketing
  • Funnelling
  • Geo Marketing

How did I choose an online marketing method that suited me?

Once I understood that not all the methods were either right or wrong. Also, that it was more to do with personal taste and existing skills and knowledge. I was able to look at the concept more clearly. I wanted to get out of my crappy job and have a business that allowed me to be myself. So the more I researched the online marketing methods the more I could see the type of marketer I was going to be.

I looked at each of the methods I presented above and took what I believed was the best bits, for example I took the best bits from Search Engine Marketing (SEM), blog marketing, article marketing and landing page marketing created a hybrid of my own. The success came slowly as I developed my own style and system but then almost suddenly started to make money online.

I of course did not stop there. Overtime I added email marketing and social media marketing into the mix to create a dynamic almost fully automated system. So, regardless if I was working or not, the system still made money.

Even with all the information available online I still believe that there is an element of trial and error involved to achieve online success. Simply doing everything for batum is not always enough, because someone else has tried to explain their method as clearly as possible in writing. Unfortunately, explaining anything in this way loses some of the essence and substance of the method used. So, it is important to use the methods as a backbone to developing our own hybrid method and system that works for us. For example, I always research keywords first before I even start creating content.

Can anyone work online from home and get paid?

There is no reason why anyone cannot create an income online. All you need is the right mindset and education. So regardless if you are not working or at home with the kids. As you may have read earlier on this page I was highly motivated to change my life and find something new. I want to travel to live where I wanted and not be obligated to a timetable of someone else’s making. So, really it is about you the reader to decide what you really want and your willingness to sacrifice.

The main role of the online marketer in this case is to promote products online and earn commissions, no more complex than that. And to make it really easy, we have very desirable and high quality products available. So, you can work online from home and get paid to sell our products.

The only issue is, “do you have what it takes?”

What is possible?

Can someone really work online from home and get paid?

What can I do if I do not have a webpage, blog or even host, can I still do online jobs from home as an internet marketer?

The reason I have this question is because I have been asked more than just a few times. My answer is that the minimum requirement is to have a website and host. I personally don’t think that someone needs a lot of web design skills. However, you will need it some of our courses to allow you to get the best out of the training. This page is not about learning how to code. However, it is about marketing your business online. So during the process your web design skills will develop naturally.

What are the best things to sell online to make money?

The simple answer is products that customers want to buy. However, if we look a little deeper into the subject, products that are high quality, in the upper price range and offer about 25% commission plus additional bonuses.

How does someone learn how to become an online marketer and get paid to sell out products or services?

The first thing is to subscribe to my newsletter. Then you will get more details about our company and the products we have available. If you feel that you can relate to the products and the company we can then discuss how we can proceed with the training. I prefer an online one on one method, training modules and follow ups until you can continue independently.

Final words…

The fact is, a prerequisite of being an internet marketer is to get paid to sell products online. However, knowing what you should be doing is not the same as implementing it. As with any business the basic requirements are still required. Such as taking action, setting goals, making a plan and working on it everyday as well as a high quality product to share with your customers.

If you are interested in success and earning money. Then I can offer for those of you willing to take the full package, from training, high quality product and finally success.

Full Training Package