The global pandemic was the trigger for me to consider work from home social media jobs to support me and my family.
Regardless of the global slowdown, people still need to purchase products and service. However, from this day on wards the online and social media alternatives will be the preferred option. More and more we are making quick purchases via Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin without even thinking about it.
So, with the corona-virus fears of 2020-2022 still in our minds, The global buying patters must change and we must change with it. This has started with remote employment becoming a reality for many. These people feel that it is too risky to work any other way.
As many of us sit in our apartments and watch Netflix stressing about the future, there are others who are using the time to reactive their lives. We all know that the global recession will end soon, but until then we have a choice to either step up and take action or sit and wait. Many of you will want to wait for your skill set to be needed again and others like my wife will be running at the bit to start something new.
Personally, I am not the type to sit and wait when there is a world of opportunities available to me such as work from home social media jobs. I am happy to say that I am perfectly place for this new world order. For many years I have been a successful online marketer. Creating content such as video, images, podcasts, blogs and landing pages has become a joy to me and maybe for you. So, if you feel that multi media marketing is something that would interest you, I would suggest reading the rest of this page or click the link below for more details.
What are social media work?
It means lots of things to lots of people. However, I am sure that most of you realize that it is about working on platforms such Facebook, twitter and Linkedin. Fortunately, we are on one or the other social media platforms for leisure or pleasure everyday. So why not earn some money while sending a selfie to a friend.
How to define a social media job?
Good question
Working in a social media career generally means helping businesses to gain a foot hold in the online communities so they can grow their brand. Some even market their own brand while helping others.
The work from home social media jobs includes
- Creating written content and posting it on sites such as Facebook
- Creating and running online advertisements
- Replying to fans who have asked questions or commented on a topic
- Creating multi media graphics and video content
These are just a short list of responsibilities you will have, but like anything there are other duties such as time management and budgeting.
Companies all over the world are hiring people just like you to work online.
You can earn great money by working from home by doing simple tasks such as:
- Creating Facebook Fan page for customers
- Posting status updates and comments
- Creating Twitter profiles
- Tweeting special offers and promotions
- Engaging with your customers fans through comments and posts
- Spending time messing around on Facebook and Twitter!
To find out for more about what the fuss is all about click on the learn more button below:
How to search for a social media manager career?
Nobody in their right mind can go into this industry without any guidance. Below I have put a list of tips that will make you the best you can be in the social marketing industry.
Create and build your own brand and online community
Lets make it clear from the start. For those who put restrictions on who can find them online is not in the right mindset for a career in social media . The strict rule is you need to be found, in fact you want to be found. This means you should be prepared to create a massive presence online for yourself where you will be the brand.
I am going to mention something that I have said before in other articles and that is, “The internet is simply a virtual extension of our physical world”. Meaning, you would not hide your business in the physical world, so why hide it in the virtual world.
Your goal should be even before you get started in this industry is to build a virtual world of your own. So, join all the main social media platforms and then learn about other forms of marketing such a blogging, email marketing, search engine optimization and graphic design. All of these skills and others can be learnt on the fly. So you can learn by doing and if you make mistakes, that is OK.
If you think of it like this, if you can’t promote yourself, how are you going to promote and market a clients business. So, see personal branding as your personal advertising space and shows the customer what they are getting.
Create a customer base
There are many tried and tested methods of finding clients such as squeeze pages, online advertisements and word of mouth. All of these are great and work to some existent, but finding customers is difficult for even professionals in the industry. I would argue for most of us it is the main job to find clients and the secondary job is to help them become successful online.
Every possibility you get to show what is possible online or via social media you should take. So, create daily content and respond to comments and opinions quickly to hopefully create a dialogue with a potential client.
To fully optimise the search for customers, go where they go. Start conversations in places that engage the interest of other. Build trust and show the reader that you are a professional that can be a value to their business.
A great place to find customers is by attending business meet ups. Normally, every region has them. There maybe business breakfasts, training days or networking events, but whatever it is, networking is the key. Some of my best clients are ones that I have been able to grab a coffee with at conferences. This is because that personal touch still works.
Time managing in social media work
Time management is about setting goals and completing tasks. If you are helping a customer to heighten their visibility on social media sites it is best to have a system. Nobody can afford to waste time clicking and scrolling when you should be working to complete a task.
Managing your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and other social media accounts can get overwhelming. The best way to keep on track is to use a online task manager. There are many affordable packages online for all pockets and businesses. I am sure that many of you are guilty of endless scrolling for hours on end and achieving nothing. So, remember to set goals and complete them.
Money management for work from home social media jobs
Yes, its all about the money, because let to honest, we are not doing this the for the fun of it. Most of you would have asked this question before reading this article. However, the question really should be, how much do you want to earn and how much time and energy are you willing to commit?
How good is a social media worker salary?
Globally the income levels will vary, so if you live in London or New York you can charge top rates for your time. However, for less developed countries you may be able to earn well in your country, but a lot less compared to the industrialized countries. Personal income is relative to what you need to spend, so don’t stress to much about earnings because you will earn enough.
Other factors that will define your earning will be the quality of your work and the service your can offer the customer. So, from day one, find out who your competitors are and what they are changing for their services. This will give you a baseline of what you should be charging. If you are offering a full time service I would suggest a monthly fee from the customer.
In additional, here are an extra suggestion for getting the best jobs and the best money in the industry. If you are asked to attend a get to know you meeting, be sure you have a quality presentation. One that explains what you are intending to do in a easy to understand way with images and charts for visual effect.
Do I need to learn more skills to get work from home social media jobs?
You will need to learn new skills all the time. Technology and the internet change all the time. So you need to be up to date with the latest trends and ideas. Also, when you learn new skills you will gain confidence and a fully understand of the industry. This will create a feeling of quality and professionalism with the customer.
Regardless, if a customer is new to the industry, they will know instantly if you are offering a good value for money product. Most of us know what good quality social media looks like because we see it everyday so your customer will recognize it also.
Skills worth learning are:
- The ability to optimise your YouTube videos by adding a description, tags, title, annotations and links.
- Learn to create interesting and eye catching headers for your social media profiles
- Learn to use hashtag and how they will benefit your customers business
- Understand the power of Zoom (webinar service)
- Learn the skills needed for podcasting or Vlogging
- Learn some simply coding for HTML and CSS files
Always consider the mobile viewer, because there is lots of them
Everything needs to be mobile friendly nowadays, because if you are not available in a mobile format you are invisible. The numbers are staggering. 92% of all internet users are using mobile devices to go online. Computers still account for an important share of internet activity. At least 75% of internet users globally are using laptops and desktops to go online. Arguably, many are using the laptop and the PC for important transactions and content creation.
Nervelessness, if a customer cannot reach out to you via your mobile devise you are in trouble. So, be sure your blog, landing page and website is mobile friendly from day one.
How to become a social media worker from home?
The social media work are one of the dream jobs that nobody realizes they want until they have it. It is like watching those people sitting in the coffee shops with their laptops. Some are of course doing the school work, but many are social media marketers making money while drinking coffee.
How cool is that?!
I started from blogging, content and online marketing many years ago. I found that social media and online marketing could give a good income also. So, sometimes I am working from home and other times I may decide to take a trip and work in a beach cafe.
The flexibility of this job is great, but unfortunately some overstretch themselves and fail badly.
Success in this industry is as much to do with learning new skills as it is about having a system that works. So, updating your training and knowledge of the business and how it works is important. I suggest that you read blogs and articles about the industry and make an effort to listen to many of the great podcasts available online.
More details about start a social media manager career
If you would like to learn more about work from home social media jobs click on the learn more button below. Don’t forget to add your name and email address to the form and information will be sent asap

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