6 reasons for visitor tracking on website or blog

Visitor tracking on website

There are many reasons why we do visitor tracking on website and blog, but the main one is it gives me an advantage over the competition.

One of the main reasons why many people decide not to use website visitor tracking tools is because it seems difficult or too bothersome. A friend of mine who owned a small blog told me she had never used a tracker. She told me it was because she just didn’t know how to install one on her blog. I explained to her that it was vital at the least to understand why people came to her blog. 

Website Hit Tracker

Why are web visitor analytics important for online success?

Knowledge is power!

Knowing what your prospective customer and visitors are doing when they come to your blog allows you to adapt. When I say adapt I mean, if you have an interesting article on your blog that is gaining a lot of hits. I learn from it and link it to other content on your site. The longer a visitor stays on your blog the bigger chance they will purchase your product or service. Having a website hit tracker allows you to modify content. Also, if your changes have had a positive or negative impact on your blog and business.

This article will take you through the top 6 reasons for using web visitor analytics tools.

  1. Understand what is happen on your website, blog or affiliate link

    • The reality is that if you don’t know what is happening on your website or blog you are running blind. Without tracking what is going on you will be guessing why you are selling your products or services. The internet is not what it was. It is a very crowded place so any measurement that gives you the edge is important. In addition, this also allows the webmaster to make educated decisions about the latest market trends. However, changes in the global economy quickly and confidently. 
  2. Give the visitor a better experience

    • Once I started to understand what was happening on my blog and why visitors reacted to my content. I was able to give them a better experience. This may include, making sure my blog is mobile friendly, when you notice that a vast amount of visitors are using their mobile devices.. Solving these simple issues can make a massive difference to your business.
  3. Understanding the big picture

    • Having a website hit tracker platform will give you a full visual overview of what is going on.By using the tracking platforms dashboard you can view all the data easily.
  4. Who is loving your blog?

    • Having the demographic information of your visitors is very useful when tailoring your business blog. If for example you notice that you have a lot of young female visitors from Australia consider adding a banner or advert trailed towards that target group.
  5. Spotting the new trends before the competition

    • Trends do not always need to be a global trend. However, a niche trend for the small online marketer can be very profitable if they react quickly enough. I personally promote and market digital products or services. However, occasionally I find an unusual niche trend such as henna art. I noticed via my website visits tracker that an article “Professional mehndi henna courses online for beginners” was trending. This means it is doing better than many of my blog posts. When this happens the next stage is to create leverage and build on the trend. This can not be achieved without knowing what was happening on my blog.
  6. Setting goals and measuring how well you are doing

    • Regardless, if you are running a traditional business or working online. Setting goals are important so we know when we have achieved the results we planned for. 

When you use a web visitor analytics and tracker platform you are able to see how well your blog content is converting. Having a simple and clear overview of what your work efforts are in relation to how much you earn will be vital if you want a career in this industry.

Website Hit Tracker

Final words about the need for visitor tracking on website and blog

Ask yourself if you think you should know what is going on in your business or not? So, If you don’t care to know what’s going on then you can stop reading this article. If you can see the reason why you need a website hit tracker this is the time to start using one. 

If you have only one reason to have a website hit tracker that would be to understand what is going on. Such as, are people visiting your blog and how do they find my blog. In addition, what do they do while they are there. If that is all you get from a tracker then it is enough to make better decisions about the articles and content you create on your blog or website.

The key to tracking visitors to your website, blog or affiliate link is to choose a simple, user friendly online solution. It is often possible to find a free platform or one that is free with upgrades. For those interested in making extra money while using a product it is good to look at website hit tracker with an affiliate program.

After using Google analytics for my website and blog for some years I realised that information overdrive was not helping me at all. Google analytics is great for the big companies and webmasters who have the time and money to use this platform. However, for those of you that just need enough information to make education decisions Google analytics is far too much. 

I would recommend a simple online platform that gives you enough information with overkill. For more information about using a website hit tracker for your website, blog or affiliate link, click on the button below.

Website Hit Tracker

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