How to start a business for free and become successful

How to start an online business for free

If you are on a budget the idea that you could start a business online for free has got to be on your mind, so how does that work?

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My name is Steve Jackson and I have been an entrepreneur, network marketer, online marketer and podcaster for many years, because I feel it ticks all the boxes for me and gives me the financial freedom and the global independence I have always desired, which means I can choose where and how I live and work. For full biography

Full Biography

Why I like a free business

The Scotsman in me says that free is better than not, so when I was searching for a new opportunity and a friend suggested a business I could join without paying a penny, I said “hang on!?” “What do you mean by FREE?” There is no free lunch, as I can remember! Fortunately for my friend, I was staying at his place in Spain so I was obliged to listen to his pitch.

So, he had a few hours to prove to me that the business was completely free, no credit cards would be needed and of course I could make some money from it. To shut him up I promised I would join and get back to him later once I had returned home. To keep the peace and our friendship I joined without any plans to do anything apart from checking out the back office and maybe buying some products. I was already running a successful network marketing business so I didn’t really want anything extra to impact on my existing business.

My main problem was that my mate had planted a seed in my mind and now I couldn’t ignore it. The thought that I could start a business for free was giving me ideas on how I could do it without doing too much. So, I decided to write this page to help others out there to understand the ups and downs of finding and building an online or home-based business for free.

Why should you get started today?

  1. It’s simple, innovative, and it flat-out works!
  2. Simple Marketing Message ALL can share
  3. Too Many Success Stories to Ignore
  4. Get your products each month for Free!

Start a business online for free

How to start an online business for free

Before considering joining any opportunity regardless if it is free or not, you should make a list of what we want from a business.

What sort of person you are and what type of products will suit your mindset, but most importantly is there a need for the product and can you make money from it?

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I know from my own experience, I have joined businesses that I felt would be great for me, but later found that it was a hard sale and even though at the end of the day I successfully marketed the product, I felt I should have made a better and more informed choice. However, an online MLM business without investment was an interesting prospect. As I mentioned, I have an existing project that has given me a residue income as well as the time and energy to pursue other projects. So, my internal pendulum was swinging back and forth trying to resolve the dilemma of my skeptical mindset. Incredibly Simple way to share, that anyone can do it!

  • Start the Conversation with someone and show them the 3-minute Intro video
  • Give them a free Customer or Promoter account. They can then order and try the products themselves.
  • Have a 3-way Call with You, Prospect, and someone from your Leadership Support Team to share ‘experience’ stories.

My personal dilemma was believing that I could start a business online for free and make money

It is good to be skeptical, in fact you should always be skeptical and ask the normal skeptical questions.

The problem was I had worked in the industry with this person some years ago, so I knew his history and his experience in the MLM industry. Logically, there was no reason to doubt what he was saying. What I am trying to say is that he had a track record of seeing the potential in a company and business. The products seem to be good and I felt that there was a customer base within my existing business and warm leads list.

I felt that even if the products would not interest my prospects the business would and visa versa. Also, I started to feel the excitement when I realized it was one of the fastest growing MLM companies around at the moment. I decided to allow myself to make an objective decision irrespective of how I felt.

When we start a business online for free are we benefiting from anything?

The free element of anything screams beware.

So, I allowed myself to take my time to browse through the information until I felt that I was making the decision rather than the friendship. I had already joined, but that was not what concerned me. I simply did not want to waste lots of time and energy on something that was not financially beneficial to me. My main reason is I personally do not enjoy working with friends or family, things because it becomes too personal, so I was not relishing working with someone I had not worked with for years, unless I could see it benefiting me in a big way.

The business plan was simple enough for someone new to the industry to understand and powerful enough for the experienced network marketer to see the potential for large earnings. My wife has been in the MLM industry in the past and luckily knew all the players if not the company, but she trusted our friend and mentioned his honesty, integrity and reputation in the industry which I didn’t feel was in question. I had been following him for some years as he had with me, so in that way we truly understood each other.

Before you start a business for free, ask questions!

We all have a gut feeling about if something is good or bad, stepping back for a time to contemplate an offer or opportunity is a smart move, but for me quite painful, because I enjoy the snap decision.  However, if you are serious about starting something online, I have found that reaching out and asking questions via WhatsApp or Skype is the best way. You can find the information from the source without paying for expensive phone calls. So, do your due diligent and find out what the business is all about.

Have a clear view of whats next

Once the questions have been answered and you have a clear view of what you are looking at, it is time to make a decision. The tipping point for me was the fact I could start a business for free so the risk was zero. I decided to make another trip to Spain. He was very happy to see me and that I was doing well and had been quite a successful business. It was a conversation that did not come up the last time I visited, mainly because our wives had told us, “No business!” so we only had a short chat. He was quite intrigued when he really understood what I had been doing and even more existed to get me on-board and a part of his business.

Over the years I have drifted into being an entrepreneur, network marketer, online marketer and podcaster, because it ticks all the boxes for me and gives me the financial freedom and the global independence I have always desired, which means I can choose where and how I live and work. For the next three or four hours we chatted about the benefits of relationship marketing and how I believed that it was one of the cheapest and fairest ways of starting a business. However, I did ask, was the ability to start a business online for free an added bonus or not. Even though many that start a business for free don’t realize that work is required and action must be taken to have even a chance of success.

Work is still required for success when you start a business online for free

We both agreed that, even though a free opportunity is a good thing, it does bear the question of commitment. Are we more committed to running a business if we have invested 20000 dollars or euros or if we invest nothing? The key is to believe that you have invested 20000 dollars or euros in your home business even though you have invested very little. If you treat your business seriously, the likelihood you will overtime invest 20000 into your business, if not in money, in time and effort.

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How to have the right mindset for those successful online businesses

A quote I shamelessly use is by Gary Vaynerchuk who said, “When it all comes down to it, nothing trumps execution”. What he means is when you take the appropriate action as if you had spent your life savings on your new business venture you are more likely to succeed. For sure you will have a total mindset change. Yes, its a tough one, but if we do nothing, nothing happens and in the case of an online business without investment it is the same.

Who is Steve Jackson

Why should I start an online business for free?

As I mentioned earlier, questions are good. Ask yourself as many as you can. However,  my main reason for starting a free online business without investment, beyond it being free, is because:

Once the questions have been answered and you have a clear view of what you are looking at, it is time to make a decision. The tipping point for me was the fact I could start a business for free so the risk was zero.

  • It’s simple!
  • It’s innovative!
  • And it works!

And, that included the enrollment, which was one of the simplest enrollments I have done with a network marketing company, add you details, click join and no payment details needed.

What more can you ask from any new beginning in life and business?

Since that day, life has been unbelievable, my business has grown globally and financially I am enjoying an almost automated income from my teams in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe and Australia.


Below I have laid out how FREE it really is


$0 month

  •  Enrollment is 100% FREE
  •  No payment details needed!
  •  Free Customer account
  •  Free upgrades to Promoter
  •  Yes, it is really FREE
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$0 month

  •  Enrollment is 100% FREE or upgrade from customer
  •  No payment details needed!
  •  No other marketing tools needed
  •  Free websites, hand-outs, leaflets and email campaigns
  •  Everyone follows the same proven system already created
Get Started Now!

Successful online businesses

How to start an online business for free?

The steps to starting this online business are quite simple. Firstly, click on the learn more button below and receive an overview of the company, products and business opportunity. You are free to say NO! But unless you find out more about what we are offering it will not be possible to make such a decision. For more information about how to start a business for free with this amazing company add your name and email address to the form at the bottom of this page and we will send you details straight away.

Start a business for free

There are lots of businesses we can invest in, but also there are free online business to start or if not free at a low cost. This blog will cut through the spin so you know what is worth doing.

To start with there is no bad thing to invest financially in a business. Regardless if it is MLM, affiliate marketing or a traditional business. However, if you are on a tight budget and you want to consider starting something new. Consider starting something completely free.

This blog will give you some options and ideas.

The global issue to starting a online business

The main issue with anything that is FREE is that it is not always that free. The concept of free in this context is that the person starting the business does not need to pay any money to get started. This sound great, starting any business even if someone is giving one away needs somewhat of an invest.

I have many online marketing friends from second or third world countries who found this idea great in the early day. Unfortunately, many of these countries are cash oriented and lack the infrastructure such as easily obtained bank accounts. However, it does seem to be changing because of the use of mobile devices allowing many more people to receive money digitally. Hopefully, over the next ten years or so there will be more internet spanning the whole of the second or third world.

The basics needed to start free business online

Getting any business started is a challenge. So being successful is just another challenging level. Returning to the concept of FREE again implies that you can have and run a business for nothing. So, let me make it clear, no business, free or not, can be run without a penny being spent. Regardless if you are living in highly technologically advanced country like Finland or a village in Africa.

You will need hardware to work online!

In addition, the likelihood is you have not worked online before so some kind of education will also be needed.

Below I have listed the basics you will need to get started:

  • Some kind of computer.
  • Some way of receiving money digitally. (Bank account or a Bitcoin account)
  • A smartphone.
  • A place with an internet connection and power.
  • A personal email address. (gmail will do)
  • A place to work. (Your home will be enough)
  • Online training if needed.

If you are reading this blog and you are unable for one reason or another complete the list above, starting an online business even for free is not for you.

However, it is possible to get started without a webpage, blog or landing page. There are so many FREE platforms available such a Wix, Weebly and WordPress. So, check them out. 

Free online business to start

Type of free online business to start from home

It is surprising what is available online starting from affiliate marketing, network marketing and eCommerce. Below I have set out a few suggestion that may interest you and aim you in the right direction.

Clickbank digital marketer

Clickbank is a digital eCommerce platform for affiliate marketers. It is a fairly easy way of getting into online marketing. However, even though Clickbank is FREE it does need the marketer to educate themselves in online marketing. With this in mind the button below will send you directly to the best training and education available for building a business with ClickBank.

Clickbank Training

Earn free Crypto online

The idea of earning Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies online for the mass of the population is a relatively new thing. However, it is very easy to get started but does involve a lot of boring work such as traffic exchanges. So if you do not have a great amount of online marketing skills earn free bitcoins could work for you.

Free is not necessarily free

In regards to earning free Bitcoins it means doing some type of task. It may include downloading a digital product, taking a survey, reading webpages or adverts or even using a browser.

My two favorites in this zone are:

  • CryptoTab which is a browser that allows Bitcoin mining.
  • Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange with an outstanding affiliate program.

Free CryptoTab browser and Bitcoin miner

This is a simple idea. The affiliate downloads, installs and uses the CryptoTab browser while at the same time mining Bitcoin. The CryptoTab browser is very similar to Google Chrome and supports all of the extensions, synching accounts, and managing history.

Using the CryptoTab browser is something you will do anyway

While the affiliate is surfing the internet, watching a video or doing anything online using the CryptoTab browser they earn Bitcoins. In addition, the affiliate has the option of asking others to use the CryptoTab browser and receive commissions from their usage.

To learn more about the CryptoTab browser mining software click on the learn more button below:

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Binance affiliate program as well as an exchange

The Binance market place is known for it outstanding cryptocurrency services. What they are less known for is the Binance affiliate program. So, while you are buying and exchanging Bitcoin you can also make extra money from asking others to try their crypto exchange service.   

To find out more about Binance and their affiliate program click on the learn more button below:

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You can start free business online in network marketing

Le-Vel is mainly a product based health and wellness company. It uses a cloud-based technology for administering everything in its business. Their main product line is Thrive Premium Lifestyle DFT (Derma Fusion Technology), Thrive Premium Lifestyle Capsules and Thrive Premium Lifestyle Mix. They are available in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Mexico.

The most important aspect about this company in regards to this website is that you can join for FREE. So, if you want to get started and find out more about this FREE health and wellness business click on the learn more button below.

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Free online business to start in lead generation

Lead generation is a vital part of making money as well as sales and marketing. So it is not surprising that it has created its own businesses. Most of lead generating platforms available also allow the affiliate to create an income.     In most cases they are free to join with optional upgrades. In addition, many of these sites have some very effective marketing tools that can be employed with your existing business.

My four personal favorites are MLMGateway, Team Build Club, Leadskimmer and Leadsleap:

MLM Gateway

MLM Gateway is a network marketing leads generating company. The main motivation for joining this platform is to find MLM leads for their business. Many also join to search for a new business and a leader or mentor to help them in their business. The site offers the opportunity to reach out to prospect all over the world. They then can expand their business global or locally. When someone joins MLM Gatway the are able to create content, create targeted adverts while gaining a commission from people they enroll into their team. For more details about becoming a MLM gateway affiliate: Click Here

Team Build Club

Team Build Club is an automatic downline builder. When you join as a FREE member you will receive 200 people in your downline in about 48 hours. Anyone you personally enroll and build their own downline will entitle you to commissions. In addition Team Build Club offers training in marketing as well as cryptocurrencies entrepreneurship. Any commissions are paid very fast especially in Bitcoin. If you don’t like enrolling, Team Build Club is for you. For more details: Click Here  


Leadskimmer has been around for quite a while. The concept is so simple it is shocking. Leadskimmer is a simple but effective lead builder. The system is fundamentally FREE, however there are a few interesting upgrades worth considering once you realize how well the system works. In addition, Leadskimmer allows you to integrate your own auto reply system such as aWeber which helps streamline the whole process of adding the lead to your existing mailing list. There is even a possibility to create an income, which for some may be worth considering.

LeadSkimmer is a high-converting front end sales lead gen funnel that converts traffic into leads. This has become one of the most effective ways of building your own warm leads list quickly and comprehensively.

For more information about Leadskimmer: Click Here


LeadsLeap has been around since 2008 and I would regard it as a traffic and lead generator. Apart from the lead generation toolbox the autoreply and popup banner system is something worth using. Even though Leadsleap is a great platform it is the one I use the least, it is because even though a lot of stuff on the site is FREE lots are not.

However, if you want to know more: Click Here

If you do not want to start a business for free maybe a small investment will interest you

Within the home based business and network marketing industry there are only a few businesses worth investing money in. Some of the older and larger companies expect large investment as well as month orders to be a part of the company. However, over the last 20 years many of the newer MLM companies have realized the exploitative nature of these older businesses and decided to change the culture of network marketing and the cost to the distributors. One of these companies was doTERRA.

What is doTERRA?

doTERRA is a network marketing essential oils company. They are seen as the most successful essential oils business in the world even beyond the direct sales industry. The enrollment fee is very affordable at only 35$ (20€ / £20) plus post and taxes. For a more detailed look at doTERRA click on the Learn More button below.

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Start free business online


This is just a few options for those looking for a free or almost free business option now or in the future.

However, I will be reviewing other free online business to start now or in the future.

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